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Southern Regionals - Region III Championships
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NC Soccer Hall of Fame Donation
NC Soccer Hall of Fame Donation
Contribution to the NC Soccer Hall of Fame
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$25.00 [Add $15.00]
$50.00 [Add $40.00]
$100.00 [Add $90.00]
$250.00 [Add $240.00]
$500.00 [Add $490.00]
The North Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame is a 501C 3 organization, and all contributions are welcome and are tax deductible. Contributions assist in meeting administrative costs for the Hall of Fame, which honors those who have dedicated long years of service to soccer in North Carolina.
If you wish to make the contribution "in honor of" or "in memory of" a member of the Hall of Fame, you may do so.
If you wish to learn more about the North Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame please email
Robert Kepner